Friday, 12 June 2015


Pasamos de LAURIE SPIEGEL a LAURIE ANDERSON. El nombre de LAURIE quedará marcado a fuego en la historia del Medio Musical Electrónico.

Al grano...

Buscando material por Soulseek, me he topado con esta recopilación no oficial de trabajos de LAURIE ANDERSON. No consta sello alguno, ni portada, ni aparece en San Discogs. Sea como fuere es un buen puñado de material de coleccionista de la artista estadounidense, anterior a la explosión de "O SUPERMAN" y del inolvidable "HOME OF THE BRAVE". La lástima es la calidad del ripeo, pero seguiremos buscando a ver si encontramos mejores digitalizaciones de esta compilación.

Recordemos que Laurie Anderson nació el 5 de junio de 1947 en Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Cantante, violinista, poetisa, dibujante y artista experimental de performance, en los que combina música minimalista, diapositivas y reflexiones irónicas sobre el lenguaje, la política norteamericana, el rol de los sexos y la civilización occidental moderna en su conjunto.

Ha inventado varios instrumentos, entre ellos el violín de arco de cinta, el cual tiene un cabezal magnético en lugar de cuerdas y una cinta de audio en lugar de las cerdas del arco, y un traje con sensores que disparan diversos sonidos de batería electrónica.

Estuvo casada con el cantante Lou Reed hasta la muerte del músico el 27 de octubre del 2013.

El trabajo de Laurie Anderson se aproxima a la crítca política y social pero sin determinar una línea explícita de decisiones a tomar frente a la obra, se nos presenta como una mixtura de diferentes expresiones artísticas y medios. Sin embargo es una crítica con carácter, ella nos puede explicar y determinar cada uno de los mensajes, pero también nos dice que son ambivalentes.

Disfrutad con LAURIE ANDERSON...


01 self playing violin (1974 from the record of the time)
02 is anybody home (1976 from airwaves)
03 it's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole (1976 from airwaves)
04 two songs for tape bow violin (1977 from airwaves)
05 new york social life (1977 from new music for electronic and recorded media)
06 time to go (for diego) (1977 from new music for electronic and recorded media)
07 sh (1977 from the record of the time)
08 tape bow trio (say yes) (1978 from the record of the time)
09 three expediences (1978 from big ego)
10 songs from america on the move (1978 from the nova convention)
11 dr miller (1981 from you're the guy i want to share my money with)
12 it was up in the mountains (1981 from you're the guy i want to share my money with)
13 drums (1981 from you're the guy i want to share my money with)
14 closed circuits (1981 from you're the guy i want to share my money with)
15 born never asked (1981 from you're the guy i want to share my money with)
16 for electronic dogs- structuralist filmmaking - drums (1981 from you're the guy i want to shar
17 walk the dog (1981 from o superman 7'')




Password para descomprimir el rar: STAHLFABRIK

Password to unzip the rar: STAHLFABRIK


  1. Your women in electronic music posts have been exceptionally varied and detailed - one of the best surveys I have ever seen a blog undertake in fact. I still remember being about 11 or 12 here in the UK and buying O Superman and loving the b-side Walk The Dog as much as the a-side - the fact that it went to number one here in the UK (and presumably elsewhere) is a real testament to the diversity of the musical imagination at the time (I think people who file it under the 'novelty' tag really miss the point, namely, a song has to resonate at a mass level to sell as much as it did).

    This is such an incredible collection of tracks - well worth a download for anyone with even a passing interest in electronic music.

  2. Thanks for posting this. I've been looking everywhere for the tracks from "The Record Of The Time". Could you post the other two tracks from that one?
    By the way, the version of "Walk The Dog" you posted is the version from "United States Live". I have the version from the O Superman B-side if you want it, it's quite different.

  3. Thanks for posting Laurie Anderson! Does anyone have her United States LIVE? I can request :-)

  4. Many, many thanks! Ausgezeichnet!
